Temperature transmitters
Temperature sensors
Temperature displays
Electromagnetic flowmeter
Nominal size: DN10...1000 / ANSI 0,5...24“
Maximum static pressure 1,6MPa
Accuracy: 0,5% or 0,2%
Analog outputs: 4...20mA
Communication interface: Modbus RTU / RS 485
Pulse output (uni- or bidirectional) or frequency output
Electromagnetic flowmeter
Nominal sice: DN 10...300 (ANSI 0,5...12")
Maximum static pressure 1,6 MPa, 2,5 MPa or 4 MPa
Accuracy 0,5%
Output signal 4 ÷ 20 mA, pulse output or frequecy output
Communication interface Modbus RTU / RS485
Flange type of nozzle flowmeter
nominal pressure PN6÷PN100
size of flowmeter DN25÷DN800
material of flow element (orifice, nozzle): stainless steel 1.4301
material of construction elements: carbon steel, austenic steel, stainless steel
temperature up to 500°C
material certification
calculation acc. to PN-EN ISO 5167, ISO/TR 15377
Electropneumatic positioner APIS
HART protocol
ATEX certificate II 2G Exia IIC T6/T5 Gb
Simple in installation and programming
Possibility of remote assembling of positioner
Low air consumption
Programmable speed of movement of the actuator’s piston rod
Position transmitter
Possibility of manual controlling of position of actuator’s piston rod
APIS mounting kit
Flanged seals with flush diaphragm S-P
Flanged seals with extended diaphragm S-T
Flanged seals with extended diaphragmand direct diaphragm and cleaning system S-TK-P
Chemical flanged seals with flush diaphragm S-Ch
Threaded seals with large diaphragm S-Comp
Threaded seals with large diaphragm S-Comp 10MPa
Threaded chemical seals with large diaphragm S-CompCh
Sanitary diaphragm seals
Threaded seals with large diaphragm S-Mazut
Threaded seals with flush diaphragm and radiator S-RC
Display WW-11ALW – monitor of double circuit line without auxiliary power system
Backlight display 5 × 10 mm
Current input 4...20 mA
Aluminum, wall or pipe mounted casing
Intrinsic safety certificate
WW-11N type and WW-45 - monitors of two-wires circuit without auxiliary power system
WW-30, WW-30T
4..20mA or 0...20mA current input (WW-30)
0..5V, 1..5V, 0..10V, 2..10V Voltage input (WW-30)
Pt100, Resistant input (WW-30T)
Power supply 230 V AC ą 10%
Digital indicators with relay outputs
Current input 4…20 mA or 0…20 mA
Voltage input 0…5V, 1…5V, 0…10V, 2…10V Pt100
2 or 4 settable relay outputs: 1 A, 250 V AC
Power supply 85…260 v AC/DC
Integrated power supply 24 V DC
RS-485 output
Digital indicator with relay outputs PMT-920
Input Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000 or K, S, J, T, N, R, B, E
2 settable relay outputs: 1 A, 250 V AC
Power supply 85…260 v AC/DC
Digital indicator with relay outputs
Universal measuring input 4...20 mA, 0...20 mA or 0...10 V
4 relay outputs: 1 A, 230 V AC
4×7 mm LED display + 26-point bar graph
Integrated power supply 24 V DC
Additional options:
Power supply 24V AC/DC
passive current output
RS-485 digital output
Digital indicator with relay outputs
Universal measuring input 4...20 mA, 0...20 mA or 0...10 V
4 relay outputs: 1 A, 230 V AC
4 × 20 mm red LED display
Integrated power supply 24 V DC
Additional options:
Power supply 24V AC/DC
passive current output
RS-485 digital output
Digital indicator with relay outputs
4 × 20 mm red LED display
Universal measuring input 4…20mA, 0…20mA or 0…10V
Two relay outputs: 1 A, 230 V AC
RS-485 digital output
Integrated power supply 24 V DC
Wall mounted casing
Data logger
Up to 8 inputs 0/4 20mA or PT100/PT500/PT1000
1 digital input for recording release
2 relay outputs in standard (optoMOS)
USB Host port for flush data storage
RS-485 / Modbus RTU
Power supply 19V ÷ 50V DC, 85 ÷ 260V AC
Free configuration and recording software
Multichannel controller with data logging capabilities
PMS-110R / PMS-111R
compact multichannel controller with data logging capabilities
analog / digital /universal inputs
thermocouple / RTD inputs
counter / flowmeter/ ratemeter inputs
current or relay / SSR outputs
USB Host port for flush data storage
free configuration and recording software
3.5"/5.7 TFT, 320 x 240 pixels, touchscreen navigation
VM-3 and VM-5 valve manifolds
Body material – stainless steel (316ss)
Fitting accessories - Valves
Power supply ZL-25-01
Output power supply 2x24 V DC
Maximum output current 2 × 50 mA
Indication of presence of output voltage
Permanently resistant to short circuits and excess voltage
Casing can be fitted on a standard rail (TS35, TS32)
Power supply ZL-24-08
Maximum output current 800 mA
High energy efficiency
Indication of the presence of output voltage
Permanently resistant to short circuiting and excess voltage
Overvoltage protection
Casing can be fitted on a standard rail (TS35, TS32)
Power supply and isolator ZS-30 for two-wire transmitters
Universal power supply: 20…253 V AC/DC
Full galvanic separation of circuits (IN-OUT, IN-SUPPLY, OUT-SUPPLY)
Digital calibration of measurement chain INOUT
Accuracy 0,1%
Intrinsically safe power supply and isolator ZS-30Ex1
Ex-rated intrinsically safe
Full galvanic separation of circuits (IN-OUT, IN-SUPPLY, OUT-SUPPLY)
Accuracy 0,1%
Casing can be mounted on a standard TS35 rail
Intrinsically safe network power supply and isolator ZS-31Ex1
Ex-rated intrinsically safe
Full galvanic separation of circuits (IN-OUT, IN-SUPPLY, OUT-SUPPLY)
Accuracy 0,1%
Casing can be mounted on a standard rail (TS35, TS32)
Power supply/isolator/signal converter ZSP-41
Full galvanic separation of circuits (IN-OUT, IN-SUP, OUT-SUP)
Ability to select input and output signals
Ability to use input line to power a two-wire transmitter
Casing can be fitted on a standard rail (TS35)
Isolator/signal converter SP-11
Single circuit or dual circuit version in 12,5 mm wide casing
Opto-electronic galvanic separation (IN-OUT)
Ability to select input signal
9...36 V power supply in the output signal loop
Casing can be fitted on a standard rail (TS35)
SP-02 current signal isolator without auxiliary power
Single circuit or dual circuit version in 12,5 mm wide casing
Accuracy 0,16%
Casing can be fitted on a standard adapter (TS35)
Overvoltage protection circuit UZ-2
The UZ-2 protection circuit is designed to provide overvoltage protection for measurement transmitters and auxiliary devices.
The new product !!!
Hydrostatic fuel level probe for installation on the fuel filler CS-27/W; CS-27/BAK
Easy assembling the level probes on the tank fuel filler.
Elimination of the holes boring in the tank.
Additional sygnalization of the tank filler opening possibility.
Regulation and bendig of the rod possibility.
Fuel tank theft alarm ALA-01
The alarm is a device that secures the fuel tank against mechanical damage and fuel theft when the vehicle is parked. All attemps of unauthorized acces to the tank are detected by the device's electronic system and immediately relayed to the external decision circuit.
Fuel Level Probe type CS-27/RS/U
Measuring range 0÷800 mm H2O
Ministry of Transport Type Approval
Certificate No. E20 10R-03 25 17
Fuel Level Probe type CS-26/RS/U
Measuring range 0÷800 mm H2O
Ministry of Transport Type Approval
Certificate No. E20 10R-03 25 17
Fuel filler security type BAK-Q80, BAK-Q60
Filler security Q80 and Q60 is a control device that protects and monitors fuel fillers in power units’ fuel tanks.
Fuel Level Converter pulse converter for APP-type floats
Output signal 0-5 V
Power voltage 12 V
RFID Rotation Direction Detector
The device is used to determine the direction of rotation, employing RFID (radio access control) technology. The technology guarantees maximum security, reliability and failure-free operation, unlike magnet-based or inductive devices.
RFID Sensor
The device is used to control open/closed status of various hatches, doors, crates and as a position and operation sensor. RFID technology guarantees maximum security, reliability and failure-free operation, unlike magnet-based or inductive devices.
Fuel Filler Flap RFID Tank Door Sensor
The device is used to control the open/closed status of fuel filler flaps in cars. RFID technology guarantees maximum security, reliability and failure-free operation, unlike magnetic or inductive devices.
Electronic Seal type PE-01
PE-01 electronic seal is a fine replacement for traditional disposable seals equipped with a sealing cable. In standby mode, with the sealing cable loop locked, the output status is high and a green LED is on. Shorting or cutting the sealing cable loop will trigger changing the output status to low and the LED will be turned off. There is an option to have the seal with inverse binary output signal. It is compatible with GPS recorders (e.g. on vehicles).
Elektroniczna plomba linki celnej
Zasilanie 8...24...36VDC (nieseparowane)
Pobór mocy ≤ 0,5 W
Rezystancja obciążenia wyjścia binarnego ≥ 10 kΩ
Stopień ochrony IP 67
Temperatura pracy -40°C do +80°C
Układ sumujący typu US-01
Zakres sygnału wejściowego 0...10 V
Ilość wejść 2
Zestaw do montażu sond na zbiornikach z tworzyw
Osłona sondy
Osłona sondy służy do ochrony sondy przed uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi. Wykonana jest z blachy nierdzewnej i montowana do baku za pomocą czterech wkrętów z możliwością plombowania.
Mechaniczne zabezpieczenia wlewu paliwa
Sitko antykradzieżowe uniwersalne
Rura z perforowanymi ścianami oraz dnem. Kształt dna oraz wielkość otworów dobrano tak, by nie utrudniały tankowania oraz maksymalnie chroniły przed kradzieżą.
Mechaniczne zabezpieczenia wlewu paliwa
Sitko antykradzieżowe kpl.
Rura z perforowanymi ścianami oraz dnem. Kształt dna oraz wielkość otworów dobrano tak, by nie utrudniały tankowania oraz maksymalnie chroniły przed kradzieżą. W skład kompletu wchodzi również korek wlewu paliwa. Montaż sitka gwarantuje szczelność zbiornika zgodnie z Regulaminem Unii Europejskiej nr 34 EKG ONZ.
Plomba pływaka
Plomba pływaka pozwala zabezpieczyć oryginalny pływak-ssawkę, przed odkręceniem i kradzieżami paliwa. Prawidłowo zamontowany uniemożliwia ściąganie węża powrotnego układu paliwowego kradzież metodą „kropelkową”. Plomba montowana jest na osiem nitów zrywalnych szczelnych z możliwością plombowania.
Opaska plomby
Opaska plomby służy do plombowania węży paliwowych zakończonych tzw. szybkozłączką. ¦ruby znajdujące się w opasce są przystosowane do zamontowania plomby.
Osłona korka
Osłona korka ma na celu zabezpieczyć mechanizm zamkowy korka przed zabrudzeniami tym samym podniesienie komfortu użytkownika korka oraz jego żywotności. Należy bezwzględnie osłaniać korek pomiędzy tankowaniami.
Konwerter sygnałowy typu KS-01
Konwersja standardu USB na RS-485 (lub RS-232LV) , zasilanie z portu USB, prędkość do 115200bps
Separacja galwaniczna, możliwość zasilania sondy poziomu paliwa lub zabezpieczenia wlewu paliwa napięciem 12VDC (lub 3,3VDC).
Diody LED sygnalizujące stan pracy i transmisji danych
Łatwa instalacja na komputerze PC
Miernik prędkości obrotowej RFID
Zasilanie 16 ÷ 32V DC, max 35V
Pobór prądu 45mA
Temperatura pracy -25…+80ºC
Zakres prędkości 0…15 obr/min.
Zakres napięcia 0…24 V
Level switch type
Explosion proof version
Wetted parts material 316LSS
Housing material: Aluminium or 316SS
Housing protection IP66/68
Nominal pressure 40bar
Marine certificates (DNV-GL, LR, BV, PRS)
Magnetic level switch
Level signalling of the medium having minimum density 0,70 g/cm3. The basic version, mounted from the top, is available with 92x92mm flange connector, head made from aluminium alloy and M20x1,5 cable gland with casing protection degree IP68.
Bilge level switch
Designed for dirty liquids
High reliability switching
Several options e.g. protectiv casing, test devices and other
Fully stainless steel (316L)
Protection class IP68
Marine approval DNV-GL
Float level switch
Small in-tank dimensions
Standard flanged mounting 92x92
High reliability switching
Several options e.g. fully stainless steel, IP66/IP68, ATEX
Marine approval DNV