Rơ le giám sát dòng điện cho IO-Link, được gắn với Công tắc tơ 3RT2, Kích thước S00/ S0/ S2 Cách ly/ giám sát dòng điện hoạt động 1.6-16 A/ 4-40A/ 8-80A, 20-400 Hz, 3Pha, Nguồn 24VDC; 1 tiếp điểm thay thế; Giám sát sự cố vượt quá và chạm dưới dòng điện; Sự không đối xứng dòng, Sự cố pha, Đứt cáp Trình tự pha, Dòng dư, Dòng chặn, Chu kỳ chuyển mạch và Bộ đếm giờ hoạt động; Các ngưỡng cảnh báo và cảnh báo; Tự động đặt lại hoặc đặt lại thủ công Độ trễ BẬT 0-9999,9s; Độ trễ TẮT 0-9999,9s; Độ trễ đóng lại 0-300 phút; Hệ thống kết nối trục vít
Current monitoring relay for IO-Link, can be mounted to Contactor 3RT2, Size S00 Apparant/active current monitoring 1.6-16 A, 20-400 Hz, 3-phase Supply voltage 24 V DC 1 change-over contact Monitoring for Current overshoot and undershoot Current asymmetry Phase failure, Cable break Phase sequence, Residual current Blocking current, Switching cycle and Operating hours counter Warning and alarm thresholds Auto-reset or manual reset ON delay 0-9999.9 s OFF delay 0-9999.9 s Reclosing delay 0-300 min Screw connection system
Current monitoring relay for IO-Link, can be mounted to Contactor 3RT2, Size S00 Apparant/active current monitoring 1.6-16 A, 20-400 Hz, 3-phase Supply voltage 24 V DC 1 change-over contact Monitoring for Current overshoot and undershoot Current asymmetry Phase failure, Cable break Phase sequence, Residual current Blocking current, Switching cycle and Operating hours counter Warning and alarm thresholds Auto-reset or manual reset ON delay 0-9999.9 s OFF delay 0-9999.9 s Reclosing delay 0-300 min spring-type connection system
Current monitoring relay for IO-Link, can be mounted to Contactor 3RT2, Size S0 Apparant/active current monitoring 4-40 A, 20-400 Hz, 3-phase Supply voltage 24 V DC 1 change-over contact Monitoring for Current overshoot and undershoot Current asymmetry Phase failure, Cable break Phase sequence, Residual current Blocking current, Switching cycle and Operating hours counter Warning and alarm thresholds Auto-reset or manual reset ON delay 0-9999.9 s OFF delay 0-9999.9 s Reclosing delay 0-300 min Screw connection system
Current monitoring relay for IO-Link, can be mounted to Contactor, 3RT2, Size S0 Apparant/active current monitoring 4-40 A, 20-400 Hz, 3-phase Supply voltage 24 V DC 1 change-over contact Monitoring for Current overshoot and undershoot Current asymmetry Phase failure, Cable break Phase sequence, Residual current Blocking current, Switching cycle and Operating hours counter Warning and alarm thresholds Auto-reset or manual reset ON delay 0-9999.9 s OFF delay 0-9999.9 s Reclosing delay 0-300 min spring-type connection system
Current monitoring relay for IO-Link, can be mounted to Contactor, 3RT2, Size S2 Apparant/active current monitoring 8-80 A, 20-400 Hz, 3-phase Supply voltage 24 V DC 1 change-over contact Monitoring for Current overshoot and undershoot Current asymmetry Phase failure, Cable break Phase sequence, Residual current Blocking current, Switching cycle and Operating hours counter Warning and alarm thresholds Auto-reset or manual reset ON delay 0-9999.9 s OFF delay 0-9999.9 s Reclosing delay 0-300 min Screw connection system
Current monitoring relay for IO-Link, can be mounted to Contactor, 3RT2, Size S2 Apparant/active current monitoring 8-80 A, 20-400 Hz, 3-phase Supply voltage 24 V DC 1 change-over contact Monitoring for Current overshoot and undershoot Current asymmetry Phase failure, Cable break Phase sequence, Residual current Blocking current, Switching cycle and Operating hours counter Warning and alarm thresholds Auto-reset or manual reset ON delay 0-9999.9 s OFF delay 0-9999.9 s Reclosing delay 0-300 min spring-type connection system