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Cảm biến


Cảm biến mức | Level sensors


Cảm biến mức siêu âm | Ultrasonic Level Sensors

Cảm biến mức siêu âm | Ultrasonic Level Sensors

Cảm biến mức đa chức năng Sick CFP Cubic Series -Đặc tính, Ưu điểm, Ứng dụng và Tất cả các models

Cảm biến đa chức năng để đo mức và nhiệt độ/ Multifunctional sensor for level and temperature measurement
- Đo mức liên tục và đo nhiệt độ cũng như công tắc mức và nhiệt độ/ Continuous level measurement and temperature measurement as well as level and temperature switches
- Phép đo không phân biệt vật liệu chứa/ Measurement irrespective of container material
- Đầu dò từ 100 mm đến 1.000 mm/ Probe from 100 mm to 1,000 mm
- Hiển thị và điều hướng menu trực quan/ Display and intuitive menu navigation
- Không có bộ phận chuyển động cơ khí/ No mechanical moving parts
- Xếp hạng bao vây IP 67 và IO-Link 1.1/ IP 67 enclosure rating and IO-Link 1.1
- Không có vùng chết dọc theo dải đo/ No dead zone along the measuring range
Cảm biến mức đa chức năng Sick CFP Cubic Series -Đặc tính, Ưu điểm, Ứng dụng và Tất cả các models
    Tham khảo sản phẩm Cảm biến báo mức siêu âm Siemens 7ML5221-0AC11 Đầu dò đo mức siêu âm Siemens 7ML1201-1EE00 | 3-wire relay 5m PVDF copolymer 2" NPT 24VDC Công tắc báo mức siêu âm Siemens 7ML1510-3JE02

Ưu điểm/ Your Benefits

- Một cảm biến cho hai ứng dụng đo - đo mức và nhiệt độ - giảm độ phức tạp của cài đặt và yêu cầu về kho/ One sensor for two measuring applications - level and temperature measurement - reduces installation complexity and stock requirements
- Hoạt động đơn giản, trực quan nhờ điều hướng menu được xác định trước và màn hình tích hợp/ Simple, intuitive operation thanks to predefined menu navigation and integrated display
- Một cảm biến cho hai ứng dụng đo lường làm giảm độ phức tạp của cài đặt và các yêu cầu về kho/ One sensor for two measuring applications reduces installation complexity and stock requirements
- Đo lường linh hoạt trong các thùng chứa làm bằng các vật liệu khác nhau - bao gồm cả nhựa - mà không cần phụ kiện bổ sung/ Flexible measurement in containers made of different materials – including plastic – without additional accessories
- Đo lường trong các thùng chứa nhỏ và gần mặt đất nhất có thể/ Measurement in small containers and close to the ground possible
- Phép đo trong dầu và chất lỏng gốc nước mà không cần phụ kiện bổ sung giúp tiết kiệm chi phí mua và lưu kho/ Measurement in oils and water-based liquids without additional accessories saves on purchase and storage costs


Multifunctional sensor for level and temperature measurement
CFP Cubic là một cảm biến mức điện dung để thực hiện các phép đo mức, giới hạn và nhiệt độ đồng thời liên tục. Nhờ công nghệ MCiM thông minh (đo đa điện dung bên trong đầu dò), CFP Cubic đo phương tiện trên toàn bộ chiều dài của đầu dò - không phân biệt vật liệu chứa và không cần thêm phụ kiện. Bề mặt nhựa của đầu dò ngăn ngừa cặn bẩn và đảm bảo khả năng chống chịu cao với môi trường xâm thực. Thiết lập trực quan của cảm biến sử dụng menu có hướng dẫn để đảm bảo thích ứng nhanh chóng và dễ dàng với nhiệm vụ đo. IO-Link cho phép dữ liệu quy trình được tích hợp vào một mạng tự động hóa./ The CFP Cubic is a capacitive level sensor for taking continuous level, limit, and simultaneous temperature measurements. Thanks to intelligent MCiM technology (multi-capacitive intra-probe measuring), the CFP Cubic measures media over the entire length of the probe – irrespective of the container material and without the need for additional accessories. The probe’s plastic surface prevents deposits and ensures high resistance to aggressive media. The sensor’s intuitive setup uses a guided menu to ensure quick and easy adaptation to the measuring task. IO-Link allows the process data to be integrated into an automation network.

At a glance
- Đo mức liên tục và đo nhiệt độ cũng như công tắc mức và nhiệt độ/ Continuous level measurement and temperature measurement as well as level and temperature switches
- Phép đo không phân biệt vật liệu chứa/ Measurement irrespective of container material
- Đầu dò từ 100 mm đến 1.000 mm/ Probe from 100 mm to 1,000 mm
- Hiển thị và điều hướng menu trực quan/ Display and intuitive menu navigation
- Không có bộ phận chuyển động cơ khí/ No mechanical moving parts
- Xếp hạng bao vây IP 67 và IO-Link 1.1/ IP 67 enclosure rating and IO-Link 1.1
- Không có vùng chết dọc theo dải đo/ No dead zone along the measuring range

Các ứng dụng/ Applications

Các lĩnh vực ứng dụng/ Fields of applications
- Giám sát dung dịch tẩy rửa và chất tẩy rửa trong chế tạo máy/ Monitoring of cleaning solutions and cleaning agents in machine engineering
- Đo dầu, mức và nhiệt độ trong hệ thống thủy lực/ Measuring oil, level, and temperature in hydraulic systems
- Đo mức trong bồn nhựa/ Level measurement in plastic tanks

Ví dụ về ứng dụng/ Examples of application
- Đo áp suất, mức và nhiệt độ trong hệ thống thủy lực/ Measuring pressure, level, and temperature in hydraulic systems
- Đo áp suất, mức và nhiệt độ trong máy thủy lực/ Measuring pressure, level, and temperature in the machine hydraulics
- Đo áp suất, mức và nhiệt độ trong các đơn vị thủy lực/ Pressure, level, and temperature measurement in hydraulic units
- Đo áp suất, mức và nhiệt độ trong các đơn vị thủy lực/ Pressure, level, and temperature measurement in hydraulic units

Technical overview 

Technical data overview
Detection principle: Contact
Medium: Water and oil-based liquids
Measurement: Switch, Continuous
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Process pressure: –0.5 bar ... 3 bar

Product Selection

Part no.: 1083094 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 500 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083095 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 1,000 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083109 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 600 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083102 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 200 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083104 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 300 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083117 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 1,000 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083199 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 200 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083203 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 400 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083205 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 500 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083113 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 800 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083115 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 900 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083111 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 700 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083207 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 600 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083209 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 700 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083201 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 300 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083197 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 100 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083106 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 400 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083213 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 900 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083211 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 800 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083242 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 500 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083234 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 100 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083238 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 300 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083236 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 200 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083244 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 600 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083246 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 700 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083240 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 400 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083121 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 200 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083248 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 800 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083252 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 1,000 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083250 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 900 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083123 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 300 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083125 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 400 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083131 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 700 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083127 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 500 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083129 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 600 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090873 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 600 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090865 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 100 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090869 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 300 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1079839 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 1,000 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083133 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 800 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083216 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 100 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083219 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 300 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083221 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 400 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083135 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 900 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090871 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 400 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1080913 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 500 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1080914 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 1,000 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083232 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 1,000 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083255 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 100 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083224 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 600 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083259 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 300 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083226 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 700 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090859 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 300 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083228 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 800 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090861 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 400 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1079837 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 500 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083267 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 700 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083253 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 1,000 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090856 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 100 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090862 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 600 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090864 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 900 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1082627 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 500 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090858 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 200 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083261 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 400 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1094559 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 700 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1094562 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 1,000 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1094551 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 200 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1094548 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 100 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1094555 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 400 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1094557 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 500 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083257 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 200 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083269 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 800 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083271 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 900 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083263 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 500 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083265 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 600 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083119 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 100 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 1 x analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V automatically switchable depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1085460 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 700 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090874 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 700 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090863 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 800 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090867 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 200 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090875 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 800 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1090876 
Process connection: ¾ NPT
Probe length: 900 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1082626 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 200 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/Push-Pull + 4 mA ... 20 mA / 0 V ... 10 V
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾ and ¾ NPT: PBT, Easy Clamp Bracket: PP
Part no.: 1082175 
Process connection: G ¾ A
Probe length: 1,000 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083112 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 750 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1083100 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 100 mm
Output signal: 2 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable
Connection type: Round connector M12 x 1, 5-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1094560 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 800 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1094561 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 900 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1094553 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 300 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
Part no.: 1094558 
Process connection: Without process connection
Probe length: 600 mm
Output signal: 4 x PNP/NPN/push-pull transistor outputs switchable and 2 x analog outputs 4 mA ... 20 mA, 0 V ... 10 V depending on output load or output voltage depending on the load
Connection type: M12 round connector x 1, 8-pin
Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C
Wetted parts: Outer tube: polypropylene (PP-H), G ¾” and ¾” NPT: PPSU, Easy-clamp bracket: PP
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