Cảm biến quang điện Photoelectric Sensor - OMRON - E3S-C

Cảm biến quang điện Photoelectric Sensor - OMRON - E3S-C

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Cảm biến quang điện Photoelectric Sensor - OMRON - E3S-C


Đặc tính sản phẩm Cảm biến quang điện Photoelectric Sensor - OMRON - E3S-C

- Khả năng chống nước và dầu tuyệt vời. Ứng dụng dễ dàng tại các vị trí có sương dầu.
- Cảm biến tầm xa lên đến 30m với các mô hình chùm tia.
- Khả năng chống sốc ở mức 1.000m/ s2.
- Dòng sản phẩm bao gồm các kiểu đầu nối kim loại có dây M12.
- Đầu ra công tắc điều khiển (chọn) NPN / PNP.


Nhóm sản phẩm thuộc dòng cảm biến Cảm biến quang điện Photoelectric Sensor - OMRON - E3S-C


Sensing method Appearance Connection method Sensing distance Model
(Emitter + Receiver) *
Pre-wired 30 m (Infrared light) E3S-CT11 2M 
Emitter E3S-CT11-L 2M 
Receiver E3S-CT11-D 2M
Pre-wired Connector (M12) E3S-CT11-M1J 0.3M 
Emitter E3S-CT11-L-M1J 0.3M 
Receiver E3S-CT11-D-M1J 0.3M
Pre-wired E3S-CT61 2M 
Emitter E3S-CT61-L 2M 
Receiver E3S-CT61-D 2M
Pre-wired Connector (M12) E3S-CT61-M1J 0.3M 
Emitter E3S-CT61-L-M1J 0.3M 
Receiver E3S-CT61-D-M1J 0.3M
Retro-reflective Horizontal
Pre-wired 3 m (Red light) E3S-CR11 2M
Pre-wired Connector (M12) E3S-CR11-M1J 0.3M
Pre-wired E3S-CR61 2M
Pre-wired Connector (M12) E3S-CR61-M1J 0.3M
Diffuse-reflective Horizontal
Pre-wired 700 mm (Infrared light) E3S-CD11 2M
2 m (Infrared light) E3S-CD12 2M
Pre-wired Connector (M12) 700 mm (Infrared light) E3S-CD11-M1J 0.3M
2 m (Infrared light) E3S-CD12-M1J 0.3M
Pre-wired 700 mm (Infrared light) E3S-CD61 2M
2 m (Infrared light) E3S-CD62 2M
Pre-wired Connector (M12) 700 mm (Infrared light) E3S-CD61-M1J 0.3M
2 m (Infrared light) E3S-CD62-M1J 0.3M

* Through-beam Sensors are normally sold in sets that include both the Emitter and Receiver.

Accessories (Order Separately)


(A Slit is not provided with Through-beam Sensors. Order a Slit separately if required.)

Slit width Sensing
detectable object
(reference value)
Model Quantity Remarks
0.5 mm × 11 mm 1.8 m 0.5-mm dia. E39-S61 1 set each for
Emitter and Receiver
(8 Slits total)
(Snap-in Long Slit)
Can be used with the E3S-CT[]1(-M1J)
Through-beam Sensor. Refer to Data Sheet.
1 mm × 11 mm 3.5 m 1-mm dia.
2 mm × 11 mm 7 m 2-mm dia.
4 mm × 11 mm 15 m 2.6-mm dia.



(A Reflector is required for each Retro-reflective Sensor) 
The E39-R1 Reflector is provided with the Sensor. Order other Reflectors separately if required.

Name Sensing distance Model Quantity Remarks
Reference value
Reflectors 3 m --- E39-R1 1 Provided with the E3S-CR[]1(-M1J) Retro-reflective Sensor.
--- 4 m E39-R2 1 ---
Small Reflectors --- 1.5 m E39-R3 1 ---
--- 750 mm E39-R4 1 ---
Tape Reflectors --- 700 mm (50 mm) * E39-RS1 1 Enables MSR function.
--- 1,100 mm (100 mm) * E39-RS2 1
--- 1,400 mm (100 mm) * E39-RS3 1

Note: 1. If you use any Reflector other than the enclosed Reflector, make sure that the stability indicator lights properly 

              when you set the Sensor. 
          2. Refer to Reflectors on E39-L/E39-S/E39-R for details. 
* Values in parentheses indicate the minimum distance required between the Sensor and Reflector.


Mounting Brackets

Some Mounting Brackets are provided with the Sensor. Order other Mounting Brackets separately if required.

Appearance Model Quantity Remarks
e3s-c_lineup4_1 E39-L102 1 Provided with Horizontal Models.
e3s-c_lineup4_2 E39-L103 1 Provided with Vertical Models.
e3s-c_lineup4_3 E39-L85 1 Mounting bracket for changing from E3S-[][][][][]42/44 
to E3S-C Vertical Models.
e3s-c_lineup4_4 E39-L86 1 Mounting bracket for changing from E3S-[][][][][]43 
to E3S-C Vertical Models.
e3s-c_lineup4_5 E39-L87 1 ---


Note: 1. When using a Through-beam Sensor, order one Connector for the Receiver and one for the Emitter. 
           2. Refer to Mounting Brackets on E39-L/F39-L/E39-S/E39-R for details.


Sensor I/O Connectors (Sockets on One Cable End)

(Models with Pre-wired Connectors: A Connector is not provided with the Sensor. Be sure to order a Connector separately.)

Cable Appearance Cable type Model
robot cable
e3s-c_lineup5_1 2 m 3-wire XS2F-D421-DC0-F
5 m XS2F-D421-GC0-F
e3s-c_lineup5_2 2 m XS2F-D422-DC0-F
5 m XS2F-D422-GC0-F


Note: 1. When using a Through-beam Sensor, order one Connector for the Receiver and one for the Emitter. 
           2. For details on Sensor I/O Connectors and cables such as vibration-proof robot cables, refer to Introduction to 
                 Sensor I/O Connectors/Sensor Controllers.


Đặc tính sản dòng phẩm Cảm biến quang điện Photoelectric Sensor - OMRON - E3S-C

Sensing method Through-beam Retro-reflective
(with M.S.R. function) *1
Diffuse reflective
Model Horizontal E3S-CT11(-M1J) Horizontal E3S-CR 11(-M1J) Horizontal E3S-CD11(-M1J) Horizontal E3S-CD12(-M1J)
Vertical E3S-CT61(-M1J) Vertical E3S-CR 61(-M1J) Vertical E3S-CD61(-M1J) Vertical E3S-CD62(-M1J)
Sensing distance 30 m 3 m (when using E39-R1) 700 mm
(300 × 300 mm white paper)
2 m
(300 × 300 mm white paper)
Standard sensing object Opaque, 15-mm dia. min. Opaque, 75-mm dia. min. ---
Differential travel --- 20% max. of sensing distance
Directional angle Emitter and Receiver: 
3° to15°
3° to 10° ---
Light source 
Infrared LED (880 nm) Red LED (700 nm) Infrared LED (880 nm)
Power supply 
10 to 30 VDC including 10% (p.p) ripple
50 mA max. 
(Emitter 25 mA max. 
Receiver 25 mA max.)
40 mA max.
Control output Load power supply voltage: 30 VDC max.
Load current: 100 mA max. (Residual voltage: NPN output: 1.2 V max., PNP output: 2.0 V max.)
Open controller output (NPN/PNP selectable)
Light-ON/Dark-ON selectable
Power supply 
reverse polarity 
circuit protection, 
Output short-
circuit protection
Power supply reverse polarity protection, Output short-circuit protection, Mutual interference prevention
Response time Operate or reset: 1 ms max. Operate or reset 2 ms max.
One-turn adjuster Two-turn endless adjuster with an indicator
(Receiver side)
Incandescent lamp: 5,000 lx max.
Sunlight: 10,000 lx max.
Ambient temperature 
Operating: -25°C to 55°C, Storage: -40°C to 70°C (with no icing or condensation)
Ambient humidity 
Operating: 35% to 85%, Storage: 35% to 95% (with no condensation)
20 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC)
Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min
Vibration resistance Destruction: 10 to 2,000 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude or 300 m/s2 for 0.5 hours each in X, Y, and Z directions
Shock resistance Destruction: 1,000 m/s2 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions
Degree of protection IEC60529: IP67 (in-house standards: oil-resistant), NEMA: 6P (indoors only) *2
Connection method Pre-wired (standard cable length: 2 m) or Pre-wired M12 Connector (standard cable length: 0.3 m)
(packed state)
Approx. 270 g
(Pre-wired cable)
Approx. 230 g
(Pre-wired Connector (M12))
Approx. 160 g
(Pre-wired cable)
Approx. 130 g
(Pre-wired Connector (M12))
Approx. 150 g
(Pre-wired cable)
Approx. 110 g
(Pre-wired Connector (M12))
Material Case Zinc die-cast
panel cover
PES (polyether sulfone)
Lens Methacrylic resin
Stainless steel (SUS304)
Accessories Mounting Bracket (with screws), Adjustment screwdriver, Instruction manual, and Reflector (only for Retro-reflective Sensors)


*1. Refer to MSR function of Technical Guide (Technical version). 
*2. NEMA: National Electrical Manufactures Association


Kích thước tiêu chuẩn ((Unit: mm)

Tolerance class IT16 applies to dimensions in this datasheet unless otherwise specified.


Through-beam (Horizontal)

Kích thước Horizontal Cảm biến Through-beam E3S-CT11(-M1J)

Note: Models numbers for Through-beam Sensors (E3S-CT11(-M1J)) are for sets that include both the Emitter and 
          The model number of the Emitter is expressed by adding "-L" to the set model number (example: E3S-CT11-L 2M), 
          the model number of the Receiver, by adding "-D" (example: E3S-CT11-D 2M.) Refer to Ordering Information to 
          confirm model numbers for Emitter and Receivers.

Through-beam (Vertical)

Kích thước Vertical Cảm biến Through-beam E3S-CT61(-MJ)

Retro-/Diffuse-reflective (Horizontal)

Kích thước Horizontal Cảm biến Retro-/Diffuse-reflective E3S-CR11(-M1J) E3S-CD11(-M1J) E3S-CD12(-M1J)

Note: Models numbers for Through-beam Sensors (E3S-CT61(-M1J)) are for sets that include both the Emitter and 
          The model number of the Emitter is expressed by adding "-L" to the set model number (example: E3S-CT61-L 2M), 
          the model number of the Receiver, by adding "-D" (example: E3S-CT61-D 2M.) Refer to Ordering Information to 
          confirm model numbers for Emitter and Receivers.

Retro-/Diffuse-reflective (Vertical)

Kích thước Vertical Cảm biến Retro-/Diffuse-reflective E3S-CR61(-M1J) E3S-CD61(-M1J) E3S-CD62(-M1J)


Accessories (Order Separately)

Snap-in Long Slit (For Through-beam Models)

Snap-in Long Slit (for Through-beam Models) E39-S61


- Download Tài liệu kỹ thuật datasheet Cảm biến quang điện Photoelectric Sensor - OMRON - E3S-C


- Download Tài liệu mô tả quy trình hoạt động Cảm biến quang điện Photoelectric Sensor - OMRON - E3S-C

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