Bộ lập trình điều khiển PLC - Siemens - SIMATIC S7-1500 Compact CPU CPU 1511C-1PN 6ES7511-1CK01-0AB0

Bộ lập trình điều khiển PLC - Siemens - SIMATIC S7-1500 Compact CPU CPU 1511C-1PN 6ES7511-1CK01-0AB0

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Bộ lập trình điều khiển PLC - Siemens - SIMATIC S7-1500 Compact CPU CPU 1511C-1PN 6ES7511-1CK01-0AB0


Tổng quan về Bộ lập trình PLC CPU 1511C-1PN 6ES7511-1CK01-0AB0

01 Bộ lập trình điều khiển PLC - Siemens - SIMATIC S7-1500 Compact CPU CPU 1511C-1PN 6ES7511-1CK01-0AB0
- CPU nhỏ gọn với đầu vào và đầu ra kỹ thuật số và analog tích hợp trong phổ sản phẩm của Bộ điều khiển S7-1500
- Với các chức năng công nghệ tích hợp, ví dụ: bộ đếm tốc độ cao (HSC), đo tần số, đo thời lượng hoặc điều khiển động cơ bước, điều chế thời gian xung, đầu ra tần số
- Thích hợp cho các ứng dụng có yêu cầu trung bình về phạm vi chương trình và tốc độ xử lý
- Được sử dụng làm bộ điều khiển trung tâm trong các dây chuyền sản xuất với I / O trung tâm và phân tán
- Giao diện PROFINET IO IRT với công tắc 2 cổng
- Bộ điều khiển PROFINET IO để vận hành I / O phân tán trên PROFINET
- PROFINET I-device để kết nối CPU như một thiết bị PROFINET thông minh trong bộ điều khiển IO PROFINET hoặc không phải của Siemens
- Máy chủ và máy khách OPC UA dưới dạng tùy chọn thời gian chạy để kết nối dễ dàng SIMATIC S7-1500 với các thiết bị / hệ thống của bên thứ ba với các chức năng:
+ Truy cập dữ liệu OPC UA
+ Bảo mật OPC UA
+ Gọi phương thức OPC UA
+ Hỗ trợ thông số kỹ thuật của OPC UA Companion.

- Chế độ đồng bộ (phân phối)
- Tích hợp các chức năng điều khiển chuyển động để điều khiển các trục định vị và điều khiển tốc độ, hỗ trợ cho các bộ mã hóa bên ngoài, cam / rãnh và đầu dò
- Máy chủ web tích hợp để chẩn đoán với tùy chọn tạo các trang web do người dùng xác định

chú thích

Thẻ nhớ SIMATIC cần thiết cho hoạt động của CPU.
Article Number (Market Facing Number) 6ES7511-1CK01-0AB0
Product Description SIMATIC S7-1500 Compact CPU CPU 1511C-1PN, central processing unit with working memory 175 KB for program and 1 MB for data, 16 digital inputs, 16 digital outputs, 5 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs, 6 high speed counters, 4 high speed outputs for PTO/PWM/frequency output 1. interface: PROFINET IRT with 2 port switch, 60 NS bit-performance, incl. front connector push-in, SIMATIC memory card necessary
Product family CPU 1511C-1 PN
Product Lifecycle (PLM) PM300:Active Product
Price data
Price Group  
List Price Show prices
Customer Price Show prices
Surcharge for Raw Materials None
Metal Factor None
Delivery information
Export Control Regulations AL : N / ECCN : EAR99H
Standard lead time ex-works 25 Day/Days
Net Weight (kg) 1,267 Kg
Product Dimensions (W x L x H) Not available
Packaging Dimension 18,90 x 23,90 x 17,00
Package size unit of measure CM
Quantity Unit 1 Piece
Packaging Quantity 1
Additional Product Information
EAN 4047623409168
UPC 804766684159
Commodity Code 85371091
LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID ST73
Product Group 4500
Country of origin China
Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive Since: 29.03.2018
Product class A: Standard product which is a stock item could be returned within the returns guidelines/period.
WEEE (2012/19/EU) Take-Back Obligation Yes
REACH Art. 33 Duty of Information
4,4'-isopropylidenediphen... > 0, 1 % (w / w)
  Version Classification
eClass 5.1 27-24-22-07
eClass 6 27-24-22-07
eClass 7.1 27-24-22-07
eClass 8 27-24-22-07
eClass 9 27-24-22-07
eClass 9.1 27-24-22-07
ETIM 5 EC000236
ETIM 6 EC000236
ETIM 7 EC000236
IDEA 4 3565
UNSPSC 15 32-15-17-05

Thông số kỹ thuật

02 Bộ lập trình điều khiển PLC - Siemens - SIMATIC S7-1500 Compact CPU CPU 1511C-1PN 6ES7511-1CK01-0AB0

03 Bộ lập trình điều khiển PLC - Siemens - SIMATIC S7-1500 Compact CPU CPU 1511C-1PN 6ES7511-1CK01-0AB0
General information
Product type designation CPU 1511C-1 PN
HW functional status FS01
Firmware version V2.6
Product function
-I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3
Engineering with
-STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/integrated as of version V15.1 (FW V2.6) / V15 (FW V2.5) or higher; with older TIA Portal versions configurable as 6ES7511-1CK00-0AB0
Configuration control
via dataset Yes
Screen diagonal [cm] 3.45 cm
Control elements
Number of keys 8
Mode buttons 2
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage 24 V DC
permissible range, lower limit (DC) 19.2 V; 20.4 V DC, for supplying the digital inputs/outputs
permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Mains buffering
-Mains/voltage failure stored energy time 5 ms; Refers to the power supply on the CPU section
-Repeat rate, min. 1/s
Input current
Current consumption (rated value) 0.8 A; Without load; 9.8 A: CPU + load
Current consumption, max. 1 A; Without load; 10 A: CPU + load
Inrush current, max. 1.9 A; Rated value
I²t 0.34 A²·s
Digital inputs
-from load voltage L+ (without load), max. 20 mA; per group
Digital outputs
-from load voltage L+, max. 30 mA; Per group, without load
Output voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V
Encoder supply
Number of outputs 1; One common 24 V encoder supply
24 V encoder supply
-24 V Yes; L+ (-0.8 V)
-Short-circuit protection Yes
-Output current, max. 1 A
Infeed power to the backplane bus 10 W
Power consumption from the backplane bus (balanced) 8.5 W
Power loss
Power loss, typ. 11.8 W
Number of slots for SIMATIC memory card 1
SIMATIC memory card required Yes
Work memory
-integrated (for program) 175 kbyte
-integrated (for data) 1 Mbyte
Load memory
-Plug-in (SIMATIC Memory Card), max. 32 Gbyte
-maintenance-free Yes
CPU processing times
for bit operations, typ. 60 ns
for word operations, typ. 72 ns
for fixed point arithmetic, typ. 96 ns
for floating point arithmetic, typ. 384 ns
Number of elements (total) 2 000; Blocks (OB, FB, FC, DB) and UDTs
-Number range 1 ... 60 999; subdivided into: number range that can be used by the user: 1 ... 59 999, and number range of DBs created via SFC 86: 60 000 ... 60 999
-Size, max. 1 Mbyte; For DBs with absolute addressing, the max. size is 64 KB
-Number range 0 ... 65 535
-Size, max. 175 kbyte
-Number range 0 ... 65 535
- Size, max. 175 kbyte
- Size, max. 175 kbyte
- Number of free cycle OBs 100
- Number of time alarm OBs 20
- Number of delay alarm OBs 20
- Number of cyclic interrupt OBs 20; With minimum OB 3x cycle of 500 µs
- Number of process alarm OBs 50
- Number of DPV1 alarm OBs 3
- Number of isochronous mode OBs 1
- Number of technology synchronous alarm OBs 2
- Number of startup OBs 100
- Number of asynchronous error OBs 4
- Number of synchronous error OBs 2
- Number of diagnostic alarm OBs 1
Nesting depth
- per priority class 24
Counters, timers and their retentivity
S7 counter
- Number 2 048
- adjustable Yes
IEC counter
- Number Any (only limited by the main memory)
- adjustable Yes
S7 times
- Number 2 048
- adjustable Yes
IEC timer
- Number Any (only limited by the main memory)
- adjustable Yes
Data areas and their retentivity
Retentive data area (incl. timers, counters, flags), max. 128 kbyte; In total; available retentive memory for bit memories, timers, counters, DBs, and technology data (axes): 88 KB
Extended retentive data area (incl. timers, counters, flags), max. 1 Mbyte; When using PS 6 0W 24/48/60 V DC HF
- Number, max. 16 kbyte
- Number of clock memories 8; 8 clock memory bit, grouped into one clock memory byte
Data blocks
- Retentivity adjustable Yes
- Retentivity preset No
Local data
- per priority class, max. 64 kbyte; max. 16 KB per block
Address area
Number of IO modules 1 024; max. number of modules / submodules
I/O address area
- Inputs 32 kbyte; All inputs are in the process image
- Outputs 32 kbyte; All outputs are in the process image
per integrated IO subsystem
- Inputs (volume) 8 kbyte
- Outputs (volume) 8 kbyte
per CM/CP
- Inputs (volume) 8 kbyte
- Outputs (volume) 8 kbyte
Subprocess images
- Number of subprocess images, max. 32
Hardware configuration
Number of distributed IO systems 32; A distributed I/O system is characterized not only by the integration of distributed I/O via PROFINET or PROFIBUS communication modules, but also by the connection of I/O via AS-i master modules or links (e.g. IE/PB-Link)
Number of DP masters
- Via CM 4; A maximum of 4 CMs/CPs (PROFIBUS, PROFINET, Ethernet) can be inserted in total
Number of IO Controllers
- integrated 1
- Via CM 4; A maximum of 4 CMs/CPs (PROFIBUS, PROFINET, Ethernet) can be inserted in total
- Modules per rack, max. 32; CPU + 31 modules
- Number of lines, max. 1
- Number of PtP CMs the number of connectable PtP CMs is only limited by the number of available slots
Time of day
- Type Hardware clock
- Backup time 6 wk; At 40 °C ambient temperature, typically
- Deviation per day, max. 10 s; Typ.: 2 s
Operating hours counter
- Number 16
Clock synchronization
- supported Yes
- in AS, master Yes
- in AS, slave Yes
- on Ethernet via NTP Yes
Digital inputs
integrated channels (DI) 16
Digital inputs, parameterizable Yes
Source/sink input P-reading
Input characteristic curve in accordance with IEC 61131, type 3 Yes
Digital input functions, parameterizable
- Gate start/stop Yes
- Capture Yes
- Synchronization Yes
Input voltage
- Type of input voltage DC
- Rated value (DC) 24 V
- for signal "0" -3 to +5V
- for signal "1" +11 to +30V
Input current
- for signal "1", typ. 2.5 mA
Input delay (for rated value of input voltage)
for standard inputs
— parameterizable Yes; none / 0.05 / 0.1 / 0.4 / 1.6 / 3.2 / 12.8 / 20 ms
— at "0" to "1", min. 4 µs; for parameterization "none"
— at "0" to "1", max. 20 ms
— at "1" to "0", min. 4 µs; for parameterization "none"
— at "1" to "0", max. 20 ms
for interrupt inputs
— parameterizable Yes; Same as for standard inputs
for technological functions
— parameterizable Yes; Same as for standard inputs
Cable length
- shielded, max. 1 000 m; 600 m for technological functions; depending on input frequency, encoder and cable quality; max. 50 m at 100 kHz
- unshielded, max. 600 m; For technological functions: No
Digital outputs
Type of digital output Transistor
integrated channels (DO) 16
Current-sourcing Yes; Push-pull output
Short-circuit protection Yes; electronic/thermal
- Response threshold, typ. 1.6 A with standard output, 0.5 A with high-speed output; see manual for details
Limitation of inductive shutdown voltage to -0.8 V
Controlling a digital input Yes
Accuracy of pulse duration Up to ±100 ppm ±2 μs at high-speed output; see manual for details
minimum pulse duration 2 µs; With High Speed output
Digital output functions, parameterizable
- Switching tripped by comparison values Yes; As output signal of a high-speed counter
- PWM output Yes
- Number, max. 4
- Cycle duration, parameterizable Yes
- ON period, min. 0 %
- ON period, max. 100 %
- Resolution of the duty cycle 0.0036 %; For S7 analog format, min. 40 ns
- Frequency output Yes
- Pulse train Yes; also for pulse/direction interface
Switching capacity of the outputs
- with resistive load, max. 0.5 A; 0.1 A with high-speed output, i.e. when using a high-speed output; see manual for details
- on lamp load, max. 5 W; 1 W with high-speed output, i.e. when using a high-speed output; see manual for details
Load resistance range
- lower limit 48 Ω; 240 ohms with high-speed output, i.e. when using a high-speed output; see manual for details
- upper limit 12 kΩ
Output voltage
- Type of output voltage DC
- for signal "0", max. 1 V; With high-speed output, i.e. when using a high-speed output; see manual for details
- for signal "1", min. 23.2 V; L+ (-0.8 V)
Output current
- for signal "1" rated value 0.5 A; 0.1 A with high-speed output, i.e. when using a high-speed output, observe derating; see manual for details
- for signal "1" permissible range, min. 2 mA
- for signal "1" permissible range, max. 0.6 A; 0.12 A with high-speed output, i.e. when using a high-speed output, observe derating; see manual for details
- for signal "0" residual current, max. 0.5 mA
Output delay with resistive load
- "0" to "1", max. 200 µs
- "1" to "0", max. 500 µs; Load-dependent
for technological functions
- "0" to "1", max. 5 µs; Depending on the output used, see additional description in manual
- "1" to "0", max. 5 µs; Depending on the output used, see additional description in manual
Parallel switching of two outputs
- for logic links Yes; For technological functions: No
- for uprating No
- for redundant control of a load Yes; For technological functions: No
Switching frequency
- with resistive load, max. 100 kHz; For high-speed output, 100 Hz for standard output
- with inductive load, max. 0.5 Hz; Acc. to IEC 60947-5-1, DC-13; observe derating curve
- on lamp load, max. 10 Hz
Total current of the outputs
- Current per channel, max. 0.5 A; see additional description in the manual
- Current per group, max. 8 A; see additional description in the manual
- Current per power supply, max. 4 A; 2 power supplies for each group, current per power supply max. 4 A, see additional description in manual
for technological functions
- Current per channel, max. 0.5 A; see additional description in the manual
Relay outputs
- Number of relay outputs 0
Cable length
- shielded, max. 1 000 m; 600 m for technological functions; depending on output frequency, load, and cable quality; max. 50 m at 100 kHz
- unshielded, max. 600 m; For technological functions: No
Analog inputs
Number of analog inputs 5; 4x for U/I, 1x for R/RTD
- For current measurement 4; max.
- For voltage measurement 4; max.
- For resistance/resistance thermometer measurement 1
permissible input voltage for voltage input (destruction limit), max. 28.8 V
permissible input current for current input (destruction limit), max. 40 mA
Cycle time (all channels), min. 1 ms; Dependent on the parameterized interference frequency suppression; for details, see conversion procedure in manual
Technical unit for temperature measurement adjustable Yes; °C/°F/K
Input ranges (rated values), voltages
- 0 to +10 V Yes; Physical measuring range: ± 10 V
- Input resistance (0 to 10 V) 100 kΩ
- 1 V to 5 V Yes; Physical measuring range: ± 10 V
- Input resistance (1 V to 5 V) 100 kΩ
- -10 V to +10 V Yes
- Input resistance (-10 V to +10 V) 100 kΩ
- -5 V to +5 V Yes; Physical measuring range: ± 10 V
- Input resistance (-5 V to +5 V) 100 kΩ
Input ranges (rated values), currents
- 0 to 20 mA Yes; Physical measuring range: ± 20 mA
- Input resistance (0 to 20 mA) 50 Ω; Plus approx. 55 ohm for overvoltage protection by PTC
- -20 mA to +20 mA Yes
- Input resistance (-20 mA to +20 mA) 50 Ω; Plus approx. 55 ohm for overvoltage protection by PTC
- 4 mA to 20 mA Yes; Physical measuring range: ± 20 mA
- Input resistance (4 mA to 20 mA) 50 Ω; Plus approx. 55 ohm for overvoltage protection by PTC
Input ranges (rated values), resistance thermometer
- Ni 100 Yes; Standard/climate
- Input resistance (Ni 100) 10 MΩ
- Pt 100 Yes; Standard/climate
- Input resistance (Pt 100) 10 MΩ
Input ranges (rated values), resistors
- 0 to 150 ohms Yes; Physical measuring range: 0 ... 600 ohms
- Input resistance (0 to 150 ohms) 10 MΩ
- 0 to 300 ohms Yes; Physical measuring range: 0 ... 600 ohms
- Input resistance (0 to 300 ohms) 10 MΩ
- 0 to 600 ohms Yes
- Input resistance (0 to 600 ohms) 10 MΩ
Cable length
- shielded, max. 800 m; for U/I, 200 m for R/RTD
Analog outputs
integrated channels (AO) 2
Voltage output, short-circuit protection Yes
Cycle time (all channels), min. 1 ms; Dependent on the parameterized interference frequency suppression; for details, see conversion procedure in manual
Output ranges, voltage
- 0 to 10 V Yes
- 1 V to 5 V Yes
- -10 V to +10 V Yes
Output ranges, current
- 0 to 20 mA Yes
- -20 mA to +20 mA Yes
- 4 mA to 20 mA Yes
Load impedance (in rated range of output)
- with voltage outputs, min. 1 kΩ
- with voltage outputs, capacitive load, max. 100 nF
- with current outputs, max. 500 Ω
- with current outputs, inductive load, max. 1 mH
Cable length
- shielded, max. 200 m
Analog value generation for the inputs
Integration and conversion time/resolution per channel
- Resolution with overrange (bit including sign), max. 16 bit
- Integration time, parameterizable Yes; 2.5 / 16.67 / 20 / 100 ms, acts on all channels
- Interference voltage suppression for interference frequency f1 in Hz 400 / 60 / 50 / 10
Smoothing of measured values
- parameterizable Yes
- Step: None Yes
- Step: low Yes
- Step: Medium Yes
- Step: High Yes
Analog value generation for the outputs
Integration and conversion time/resolution per channel
- Resolution with overrange (bit including sign), max. 16 bit
Settling time
- for resistive load 1.5 ms
- for capacitive load 2.5 ms
- for inductive load 2.5 ms
Connection of signal encoders
- for voltage measurement Yes
- for current measurement as 4-wire transducer Yes
- for resistance measurement with two-wire connection Yes
- for resistance measurement with three-wire connection Yes
- for resistance measurement with four-wire connection Yes
Connectable encoders
- 2-wire sensor Yes
— permissible quiescent current (2-wire sensor), max. 1.5 mA
Encoder signals, incremental encoder (asymmetrical)
- Input voltage 24 V
- Input frequency, max. 100 kHz
- Counting frequency, max. 400 kHz; with quadruple evaluation
- Signal filter, parameterizable Yes
- Incremental encoder with A/B tracks, 90° phase offset Yes
- Incremental encoder with A/B tracks, 90° phase offset and zero track Yes
- Pulse encoder Yes
- Pulse encoder with direction Yes
- Pulse encoder with one impulse signal per count direction Yes
Linearity error (relative to input range), (+/-) 0.1 %
Temperature error (relative to input range), (+/-) 0.005 %/K
Crosstalk between the inputs, max. -60 dB
Repeat accuracy in steady state at 25 °C (relative to input range), (+/-) 0.05 %
Output ripple (relative to output range, bandwidth 0 to 50 kHz), (+/-) 0.02 %
Linearity error (relative to output range), (+/-) 0.15 %
Temperature error (relative to output range), (+/-) 0.005 %/K
Crosstalk between the outputs, max. -80 dB
Repeat accuracy in steady state at 25 °C (relative to output range), (+/-) 0.05 %
Operational error limit in overall temperature range
- Voltage, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.3 %
- Current, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.3 %
- Resistance, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.3 %
- Resistance thermometer, relative to input range, (+/-) Pt100 Standard: ±2 K, Pt100 Climate: ±1 K, Ni100 Standard: ±1.2 K, Ni100 Climate: ±1 K
- Voltage, relative to output range, (+/-) 0.3 %
- Current, relative to output range, (+/-) 0.3 %
Basic error limit (operational limit at 25 °C)
- Voltage, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.2 %
- Current, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.2 %
- Resistance, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.2 %
- Resistance thermometer, relative to input range, (+/-) Pt100 Standard: ±1 K, Pt100 Climate: ±0.5 K, Ni100 Standard: ±0.6 K, Ni100 Climate: ±0.5 K
- Voltage, relative to output range, (+/-) 0.2 %
- Current, relative to output range, (+/-) 0.2 %
Interference voltage suppression for f = n x (f1 +/- 1 %), f1 = interference frequency
- Series mode interference (peak value of interference < rated value of input range), min. 30 dB
- Common mode voltage, max. 10 V
- Common mode interference, min. 60 dB; at 400 Hz: 50 dB
Number of PROFINET interfaces 1
1. Interface
Interface types
- Number of ports 2
- integrated switch Yes
- RJ 45 (Ethernet) Yes; X1
- IP protocol Yes; IPv4
- PROFINET IO Controller Yes
- PROFINET IO Device Yes
- SIMATIC communication Yes
- Open IE communication Yes
- Web server Yes
- Media redundancy Yes; MRP Automanager according to IEC 62439-2 Edition 2.0
PROFINET IO Controller
- PG/OP communication Yes
- S7 routing Yes
- Isochronous mode Yes
- Open IE communication Yes
- IRT Yes
- MRP Yes; As MRP redundancy manager and/or MRP client; max. number of devices in the ring: 50
- MRPD Yes; Requirement:
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