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Cảm biến tiệm cận | Proximity sensors


Cảm biến cảm ứng | Inductive sensors

Cảm biến cảm ứng | Inductive sensors

Cảm biến tiệm cận cảm ứng Omron E2C-EDA Series -Đặc tính, Ưu điểm và Tất cả models

Dòng cảm biến tiệm cận cảm ứng định vị độ chính xác cao với bộ khuếch đại riêng biệt. Size 3-5.4-8 dia./ M10-12-18/ 30x14x4.8 mm, Ambient temperature Operating -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation), Ambient temperature Storage -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation), Degree of protection IEC60529 IP67, Material Case Brass/ Stainless steel, Material Sensing surface Heat-resistant ABS/ PEEK, Typically several hundred µm detection precision, Precision distance teaching, Window function (2 outputs) for production tolerance checks. The separate amplifier inductive sensor family E2C-EDA offers high precision distance positioning and detection. The teach-in function allows simple installation, and with the window function (2 outputs) production tolerance checks can easily be set up and modified. High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor with separate amplifier
Cảm biến tiệm cận cảm ứng Omron E2C-EDA Series -Đặc tính, Ưu điểm và Tất cả models


High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor with separate amplifier
The separate amplifier inductive sensor family E2C-EDA offers high precision distance positioning and detection. The teach-in function allows simple installation, and with the window function (2 outputs) production tolerance checks can easily be set up and modified.

- Typically several hundred µm detection precision
- Precision distance teaching
- Window function (2 outputs) for production tolerance checks

Ordering information

Sensor heads
Model   E2C-EDR6-F   3 dia. × 18     Sensing distance   0.6 mm     Repeat accuracy   1 µm
Model   E2C-ED01   5.4 dia. × 18     Sensing distance   1 mm     Repeat accuracy   1 µm
Model   E2C-ED02   8 dia. × 22     Sensing distance   2 mm     Repeat accuracy   2 µm
Model   E2C-EM02   M10 × 22     Sensing distance   2 mm     Repeat accuracy   2 µm
Model   E2C-EV05   30 × 14 × 4.8     Sensing distance   5 mm     Repeat accuracy   2 µm
Model   E2C-EM07M   M18 × 46.3     Sensing distance   7 mm     Repeat accuracy   5 µm
Model   E2C-EM02H   M12 × 22     Sensing distance   2 mm     Repeat accuracy   2 µm

Amplifier units with cables
Item Functions Order code
NPN output PNP output
Twin-output Area output, open E2C-EDA11 E2C-EDA41
models circuit detection,
  differential operation
External-input models Remote setting, differential operation E2C-EDA21 E2C-EDA51

Amplifier units with connectors
Item Functions Order code
NPN output PNP output
Twin-output Area output, open E2C-EDA6 E2C-EDA8
models circuit detection,
  differential operation
External-input models Remote setting, differential operation E2C-EDA7 E2C-EDA9


Sensor heads
Models Size Ambient temperature Operating Ambient temperature Storage Degree of protection Material Case Material Sensing surface
E2C-EDR6-F 3 dia. -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) IEC60529 IP67 Brass Heat-resistant ABS
E2C-ED01(-_ ) 5.4 dia. -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) IEC60529 IP67 Stainless steel Heat-resistant ABS
E2C-ED02(-_ ) 8 dia. -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) IEC60529 IP67 Brass Heat-resistant ABS
E2C-EM02(-_ ) M10 -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) IEC60529 IP67 Brass Heat-resistant ABS
E2C-EM07(-_ ) M18 -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) IEC60529 IP67 Brass Heat-resistant ABS
E2C-EV05(-_ ) 30×14×4.8 mm -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) -10 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation) IEC60529 IP67 Zinc Heat-resistant ABS
E2C-EM02H M12 -10 to 200°C -10 to 200°C IEC60529 IP60 Brass PEEK
Note: For amplifier specifications refer to complete datashee   
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