Temperature sensors TSP-, Dòng cảm biến nhiệt độ của Sick -Đo nhiệt độ hiệu quả và tiết kiệm không gian
Đo nhiệt độ hiệu quả và tiết kiệm không gian/ Efficient and space-saving temperature measurement
- Điện trở bạch kim (Pt100 hoặc Pt1000, 2 dây hoặc 3 dây), cấp chính xác B theo tiêu chuẩn IEC 60751/ Platinum resistance (Pt100 or Pt1000, 2-wire or 3-wire), accuracy class B according to IEC 60751
- Dải đo –30 °C ... +130 °C/ Measuring range –30 °C ... +130 °C
- Các chủ đề kết nối và độ dài chèn khác nhau/ Various connection threads and insertion lengths
- Các bộ phận tiếp xúc với phương tiện làm từ thép không gỉ 1.4305/ Parts in contact with media made from stainless steel 1.4305
- Đầu nối tròn M12 x 1 (IP 67)/ Round connector M12 x 1 (IP 67)
- Hoạt động đáng tin cậy nhờ thiết kế chắc chắn và vật liệu chất lượng cao/ Reliable operation through rugged design and high-quality materials
- Tốt ổn định lâu dài/ Good long-term stability
- Cài đặt nhanh chóng và an toàn/ Quick and safe installation
- Tích hợp hệ thống đơn giản thông qua kích thước rất nhỏ gọn/ Simple system integration through very compact dimensions
Efficient and space-saving temperature measurement
TSP là một nhiệt kế bằng bạch kim đa năng dùng để đo nhiệt độ trong chất lỏng và khí. Nó có thể được điều chỉnh cho các ứng dụng cụ thể thông qua các luồng kết nối có sẵn và độ dài chèn. Các bộ phận được làm ướt được làm từ thép không gỉ 1.4305. Điện trở bạch kim (Pt100 hoặc Pt1000, cấp chính xác B theo IEC 60751) nằm bên trong đầu của đầu dò. Nó được kết nối điện bằng một đầu nối tròn M12 x 1. Do đó, thiết bị có kích thước nhỏ gọn và rất phù hợp với những không gian lắp đặt nhỏ hẹp./ The TSP is a universal purpose platinum insertion thermometer for the temperature measurement in liquids and gases. It can be adapted to specific applications through its available connection threads and insertion lengths. Wetted parts are made from stainless steel 1.4305. The platinum resistor (Pt100 or Pt1000, accuracy class B according to IEC 60751) is located inside the tip of the probe. It is electrically connected by an M12 x 1 circular connector. Therefore, the device is compact and well suited for narrow installation spaces.
At a glance
- Điện trở bạch kim (Pt100 hoặc Pt1000, 2 dây hoặc 3 dây), cấp chính xác B theo tiêu chuẩn IEC 60751/ Platinum resistance (Pt100 or Pt1000, 2-wire or 3-wire), accuracy class B according to IEC 60751
- Dải đo –30 °C ... +130 °C/ Measuring range –30 °C ... +130 °C
- Các chủ đề kết nối và độ dài chèn khác nhau/ Various connection threads and insertion lengths
- Các bộ phận tiếp xúc với phương tiện làm từ thép không gỉ 1.4305/ Parts in contact with media made from stainless steel 1.4305
- Đầu nối tròn M12 x 1 (IP 67)/ Round connector M12 x 1 (IP 67)
Ứng dụng/ Applications
Lĩnh vực ứng dụng/ Fields of applications
- Đo nhiệt độ của chất lỏng và khí trong các ứng dụng công nghiệp/ Temperature measurement of liquids and gases in industrial applications
- Giám sát các điều kiện vận hành (ví dụ, nhiệt độ của nước làm mát hoặc dầu thủy lực)/ Monitoring of operating conditions (e. g., temperature of cooling water or hydraulic oils)
- Cấu tạo bể chứa và tote/ Tank and tote construction
- Kỹ thuật máy và nhà máy/ Machine and plant engineering
- Hệ thông sưởi âm/ Heating systems
Ứng dụng điển hình / Examples of application
- Đo nhiệt độ trong máy đùn/ Temperature measurement in the extruder
- Kiểm soát nhiệt độ chất bôi trơn làm mát/ Cooling lubricant temperature control
Technical overview
Technical data overview
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Signal outputs and maximum ohmic load RA: Pt100, 2-wire or Pt1000, 2-wire
Pt100, 3-wire or Pt1000, 3-wire
Product Selection
Part no.: 6042965
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread M14 x 1.5
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 60 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042939
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ¼ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 40 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042942
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ⅜ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 30 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042938
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ¼ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 30 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6049969
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ¼ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 60 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 3-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042950
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread ¼'' NPT
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 30 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042951
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread ¼'' NPT
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 40 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042952
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread ¼'' NPT
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 50 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042953
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread ¼'' NPT
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 60 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042944
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ⅜ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 50 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042945
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ⅜ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 60 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042946
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread M14 x 1.5
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 30 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042961
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ⅜ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 60 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042962
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread M14 x 1.5
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 30 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042963
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread M14 x 1.5
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 40 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042954
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ¼ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 30 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042955
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ¼ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 40 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042940
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ¼ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 50 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042941
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ¼ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 60 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6062374
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ⅜ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 30 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 3-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042964
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread M14 x 1.5
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 50 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042967
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread ¼'' NPT
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 40 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042968
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread ¼'' NPT
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 50 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042969
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread ¼'' NPT
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 60 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042966
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread ¼'' NPT
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 30 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042949
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread M14 x 1.5
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 60 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042948
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread M14 x 1.5
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 50 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042947
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread M14 x 1.5
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 40 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042960
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ⅜ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 50 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042956
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ¼ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 50 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042957
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ¼ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 60 mm / 6 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042958
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ⅜ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 30 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042959
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ⅜ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 40 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt1000, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67
Part no.: 6042943
Measuring range: –30 °C +130 °C
Accuracy of sensor element: Class B according to IEC 60751
Response time: Response time t50: ≤ 2.5 sresponse time t90: ≤ 6 s
Process connection: Thread G ⅜ B
Insertion length/diameter of probe: 40 mm / 5 mm
Output signal: Pt100, 2-wire
Electrical connection: Round connector M12 x 1, 4-pin, IP67