Bộ nguồn lưu điện UPS 24VDC 24VDC 5A - Omron - Uninterruptible power supply S8BA-24D24D120LF

Bộ nguồn lưu điện UPS 24VDC 24VDC 5A - Omron - Uninterruptible power supply S8BA-24D24D120LF

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Bộ nguồn lưu điện UPS 24VDC 24VDC 5A - Omron - Uninterruptible power supply S8BA-24D24D120LF



Backup Power for 24-VDC Devices in Control Panels for Instantaneous Voltage Drops or Power Interruptions

New Value For Control Panels
- Control Panels: The Heart of Manufacturing Sites.
- Evolution in control panels results in large evolution in production facilities.
- And if control panel design, control panel manufacturing processes, and human interaction with them are innovated, control panel manufacturing becomes simpler and takes a leap forward.
- OMRON will continue to achieve a control panel evolution and process innovation through many undertakings starting with the shared Value Design for Panel

*1 concept for the specifications of products used in control panels.

- Our shared Value Design for Panel (herein after referred to as "Value Design") concept for the specifications of products used in control panels will create new value to our customer’s control panels.
- Combining multiple products that share the Value Design concept will further increase the value provided to control panels.

Small UPS for mounting on a DIN rail
- Impressive Space Saving. Downsize Panels Even Further by Also Using Slim Power Supplies.
- Easy installation and wiring let you reduce assembly work.


Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) 24VDC 5A

Input voltage Output voltage Output current/capacity Model number
24 VDC 24 VDC 5 A/120 W S8BA-24D24D120LF

* 16.7 A/400 W for use as a UL compliant device.

Communication cable
Specifications Type Length Model number
For RS-232C port RJ45/Dsub9Pin 2 m S8BW-C01
For CONTACT port RJ45/Discrete wire S8BW-C02

Replacement battery pack
Rated voltage Rated capacity Weight Model number UPS Model: Required units
14.4 VDC 1600 mAh 0.3 kg S8BA-B120L S8BA-24D24D120LF: 1 pcs


Ratings, Characteristics, and Functions
Capacity 120 W
DC input Rated input voltage 24 VDC
Input When standard 24 VDC±10%
voltage voltage sensitivity
range is set
  When low voltage 24 VDC±12.5%
  sensitivity is set
  When high voltage 24 VDC±5%
  sensitivity is set
Input for rated input 5.9 A
maximum voltage for rated
current loads connected
Input terminal Push-in terminal block
Input protection Fuse (cannot be replaced by the customer)
Input protection capacity 10:00 AM
DC output Rated (for rated output 5:00 AM
current voltage)
Switching time Uninterrupted
Output Normal operation Output of input voltage as-is
voltage Backup operation 24 V±5%
Output terminal Push-in terminal block
Overload protection Alarm display at a load level of 110% or over (normal operation)
Alarm display at a load level of 110% or over and output voltage drop
(backup operation)
Alarm display cancellation at a load equal to or below the rated
capacity (normal operation, backup operation)
Battery Type Lithium-ion battery
Rated voltage 14.4 VDC
Rated capacity 1600 mAh ×
1 parallel
Expected battery life *1 2.5 years (50°C), 5 years (40°C), 10 years (25°C)
Replacement by user Yes (Hot swapping)
Auto battery check function Yes
Battery life counter function Yes
Charging time 4 hours *7
Backup time (25°C, initial characteristics) 6 min. (120 W)
Environment Operating ambient 0 to +55°C/10 to 90% (with no condensation)
Storage ambient -20°to +55°C/10 to 90% (with no condensation)
Vibration resistance JIS C 60068-2-6 compliant. 5 to 8.4 Hz amplitude: 3.5 mm, 8.4 to 150
Hz acceleration rate: 9.8 m/s2 X, Y, and Z directions for 100 minutes
(Time coefficient: 10 minutes × coefficient factor 10 = total time 100
Shock resistance JIS C 60068-2-27 compliant. 147 m/s2, 3 times in X, Y, and Z
Structure Dimensions (W × D × H mm) 94 × 100 ×
Weight of unit Approx. 0.8 kg
Cooling method Natural cooling
Insulation Withstand voltage 1,000 V 50/60 Hz AC between the DC external terminals and the GR
and terminal for 1 minute at a leakage current of 10 mA max.
voltage Insulation resistance 20 MΩ min. between the DC external terminals and the GR terminal
  (at 500 VDC)
Compliance Safety standard UL508/ CE/ C22.2 No.107.1-01 / EAC
to standard EMI Radiated EN61000-6-4/ FCC/ ICES/ RCM/ KC
  field strength
  Ship standard LR/ ABS/ EN60945 *8/DNV GL
Internal power consumption (normal *2/ 7 W/22 W
maximum *3)
Serial com- RS-232C (Interface terminal) Yes (RJ45)
munication USB (interface terminal) Yes (B connector)
I/O signal (Interface terminal) Yes (RJ45)
Accessories USB cable (1.5 m)
Accessory functions Beeper setting; Auto restart setting; Auto test setting; Auto restart
mode setting; Input sensitivity setting; Remote ON/OFF signal logic
setting; Cold start setting; Battery life counter setting; Power switch
function setting; Maximum backup time setting; Startup battery level
setting; Backup stop (BS) signal delay time setting; Backup (BU)
signal delay time setting; and Contact signal I/O test

*1. An estimated value for standard mounting. Not a guaranteed value.

*2. Conditions: With rated loads connected, at a rated input voltage, and with the battery fully charged.

*3. Conditions: With rated loads connected, at a rated input voltage, and at the maximum battery charging current.

*4. 400 W for use as a UL compliant device.

*5. 20 A for use as a UL compliant device.

*6. 16.7 A for use as a UL compliant device.

*7. When using in an environment at a high temperature, charging may be paused by charging temperature protection,
     then the charging time will be longer than specified time.

     "CS" will be displayed when charging temperature protection is operated.

*8. For the S8BA-24D24D120LF, install all of the RSMN-2030, RSHN-2030, and RSEN-2030 EMC filters manufactured by TDK. For the S8BA-24D24D240LF, S8BA-24D24D360LF, or S8BA-24D24D480LF, install both the RSMN-2030 and RSHN-2030 or their equivalents. Install these filters in series to the cable connected to the DC input terminal block.

     When you do, do not connect anything to the GR terminal.

     The effectiveness of the noise filters may be affected by the installation environment. Be sure to check effectiveness
     before starting operation.



Main body

DIN Rail (Order Separately)
Mounting Rail (Material: Aluminum)

End Plate

Note: 1. If there is a possibility that the Unit will be subject to vibration or shock, use a steel DIN Rail. Otherwise, metallic
              filings may result from aluminum abrasion.
         2. If the Unit may be subjected to sliding to either side, attach an End Plate (model PFP-M) on each side of the Unit.

- Tài liệu kỹ thuật Datasheet Bộ nguồn lưu điện UPS 24VDC 24VDC 5A - Omron - Uninterruptible power supply S8BA-24D24D120LF


- Catalogue Bộ nguồn lưu điện UPS 24VDC 24VDC 5A - Omron - Uninterruptible power supply S8BA-24D24D120LF

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