Product family W4S-3 Inox Hygiene Glass Reliable detection of transparent objects - Hygienic designed stainless steel housing and accessories (316L/1.4404) - Hygienic mounting using M12-adapter thread or D12-adapter shaft - IP 66, IP 67, IP 68 and IP 69K enclosure rating and Ecolab certified - Resistant to a variety of common cleaning and disinfection agents - PinPoint LED technology provides a highly visible laser-like light spot - Teach-in stainless steel metal membrane or external teach-in
Product family W4S-3 Glass Slim photoelectric sensors reliably detect transparent objects - Continuous threshold adaption of the switching threshold compensates for environmental changes - Single-lens autocollimation optics - Simple setting either via teach-in pushbutton, cable or IO-Link - PinPoint LED technology with a small, highly visible, well-defined light spot enables high reserve levels when using small reflectors - Flexible sensor settings, monitoring, advanced diagnostics, and visualization thanks to IO-Link
Product family W26 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Stars in object detection - Technologies: ClearSens, LineSpot, TwinEye with OptoFilter - BluePilot: Optical alignment aid, adjustment of the sensing range via Teach-Turn adjustment with optical sensing range indicator or via - IO-Link - PinPoint LED: Light-intensive red sender LED - Smart Sensor: Enhanced Sensing, IO-Link, Diagnostics, Smart Tasks
Product family V180-2 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Lowest-cost cylindrical photoelectric sensor on the market! - Low-cost M18 housing sensor on the market - Long sensing distances: 100 mm, 400 mm, 800 mm (proximity sensor), 300 mm (proximity sensor with BGS), 6 m (retro-reflective sensor) and 20 m (through-beam sensor) - Bright power and signal LEDs with 360° visibility - Wide product portfolio solves a broad range of applications - High switching frequencies up to 1000 Hz - Available in a metal housing for applications in harsh environments - Optical axis
Product family W4SLG-3 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Detect all objects with one device - Change mode via teach button - Precise laser light spot, laser class 1 - Teach-in button can be switched between detection of transparent and smallest non-transparent objects - Automatic switching threshold adaptation provides automatic adjustment to changes in light conditions - Sensing ranges up to 4.5 m - Autocollimation optics prevent blind spots - Choice of adjustment via teach-in button, potentiometer, cable, or IO-Link
Dòng cảm biến phản xạ hồi quy trong vỏ nhựa nhỏ gọn có ánh sáng laser khả kiến để định vị chính xác và phát hiện vật thể nhỏ; Đèn LED công suất cao cho độ chính xác tầm xa; LASER loại 1; Loại bỏ nền chính xác và lỗi đen/ trắng thấp để phát hiện chính xác.
Product family W4S-3 Inox Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Highest reliability, maximum resistance and endless possibilities - WashDown rated for fluid tightness (IP 66, IP 67, IP 68 and IP 69K) and Ecolab certified - Tough stainless steel housing (316L/1.4404) - Resistant to a variety of common cleaning and disinfection agents - Highly visible laser-like light spot due to PinPoint LED - Teach-in via stainless steel pushbutton with a metal membrane - Flexible sensor settings, monitoring, advanced diagnostics, and visualization thanks to
Product family W4S-3 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Photoelectric sensor family with best-in-class performance - Best background suppression sensor in its class - Universal use of PinPoint LED technology in all models - BGS proximity sensor with laser-like light spot for precise detection tasks - Reliable setting via 5-turn potentiometer, teach-in pushbutton, teach-in via cable or IO-Link - Flexible sensor settings, monitoring, advanced diagnostics, and visualization thanks to IO-Link
Product family G2S Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors No space is too small - Complete product family of photoelectric sensors in a tried-and-tested sensor design - Adjustable BGS photoelectric proximity sensor with an sensing range up to 120 mm - Optical performance data that exceeds market standards for sensing range and housing design - Reliable detection of jet-black, poorly reflective and highly reflective objects - PinPoint LED ensures high sensing ranges and reliable object detection
Product family V18V Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Cylindrical photoelectric sensors with foolproof touch-teach for washdown areas - IP 69K-rated cylindrical photoelectric sensors in M18 stainless steel housing - Resistant to all common cleaning agents and certified by independent institutes - Extended temperature range: +85° C (long-term), +100°C / 15 min. (short-term) - Touch (smart) teach-in adjustment - All sensor materials, including the housing, LED and lens are resistant to chemicals - IP 69K and IP 68 according to DIN 40050 - Laser-etched part
Product family W2S-2 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Incredibly small, yet powerful - Sensor with background suppression and without any significant black/white shift - PinPoint 2.0 LED with extended sensing distances and high operating reserves - A variety of application possibilities thanks to clearly-defined laser-like or line-shaped light spots - Detection of highly-transparent and reflective objects using sensors with V-optics - Photoelectric retro-reflective sensor with autocollimation and a clearly visible light spot
Product family W18-3 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Reliable object detection for demanding applications - Best-in-class optical performance due to superior OES technology - Autocollimation optics - Background suppression with second sender LED - Slim, durable plastic housing - Operation via double teach-in pushbutton or potentiometer - Wide variety of options for operation, connection, and optics - Flexible sensor settings, monitoring, advanced diagnostics, and visualization
MSR là một chức năng của Cảm biến quang điện phản xạ để chỉ nhận ánh sáng phản xạ từ tấm phản xạ ngược bằng cách sử dụng các đặc điểm của ...
Kích thước vỏ nhỏ gọn và đèn LED công suất cao cho tỷ lệ kích thước hiệu suất tuyệt vời trong vỏ bằng thép không gỉ cao cấp (SUS316L); IP67 và IP69k cho khả năng chống nước cao nhất; Ecolab đã kiểm tra và chứng nhận khả năng chống chất tẩy rửa
Dòng cảm biến phản xạ hồi quy quang học với kích thước vỏ nhỏ gọn và đèn LED công suất cao cho tỷ lệ kích thước hiệu suất tuyệt vời và tỷ lệ hiệu suất giá trị tốt nhất, độ lệch trục quang học tối thiểu để dễ dàng căn chỉnh, IP67 và IP69K cho khả năng chống nước cao nhất; Vỏ bảo vệ cho khả năng chống ồn cao nhất (EMC), nhiều lớp cho khả năng chống cơ học cao
Product family W8 Inox Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Compact, high-performance INOX sensors for harsh wash down environments - Rugged IP 69K stainless steel housing 1.4404/316L - Front screen made of high-performance PPSU plastic that is resistant to heat and chemicals - Potentiometer made of mechanically stable high-performance PEEK (polyether ketone) plastic - Constructed with FDA-approved materials - Well-defined, highly visible light spot - M3 threaded mounting holes and stainless steel mounting bracket (1.4301/304) included with delivery
Product family W4SLG-3V Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Detects all objects in the harshest of environments - Precise laser light spot, laser class 1, no blind spots - Stainless steel housing with washdown design - Latest SICK proprietary ASIC and laser technologies for very good background suppression and ambient light immunity - ECOLAB certified, tested to IP66, IP67, IP68 and IP69K enclosure rating - Teach-in pushbutton can be switched between detection of transparent and tiny non-transparent objects - IO-Link (optional)
Product family Reflex Array Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors The photoelectric sensor with the 2D light array: multifaceted and economical - RAY10: 25 mm-high light array, detects objects ≥ 5 mm - RAY26: 55 mm-high light array, three variants, detects objects ≥ 3 mm, ≥ 5 mm or ≥ 10 mm - Display for predictive maintenance on the sensor; transmits maintenance signals to the PLC via IO-Link - Conveyor belt suppression for RAY26
Product family W100-2 Photoelectric proximity sensors Versatile miniature photoelectric sensors with large sensing ranges - Reliable detection behavior, rugged housing and immunity to ambient light - WT100-2 photoelectric proximity sensor (energetic or with background blanking) - WL100-2 photoelectric retro-reflective sensor; variant available for detecting transparent objects - WS/WE100-2 through-beam photoelectric sensor - Various connection types available (standard: 2 m cable; M8 male connector, 3-pin; M8 male connector, 4-pin; male cable connector available on request) -
Product family ZoneControl Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Zero pressure accumulation made easy - Three mounting types: mounting between the rollers (R/IR), mounting on the side frame (ZLM), or mounting above the belt (WLR) - Three types of logic: single feed, single feed with sleep function, block (slug) feed - Up to 50 ZoneControl solutions can be connected in series. - Fully animated simulation to ease selection and implementation - Standard cut lengths of 1 m (3 ft) or 2 m (6 ft)
Product family W4SLG-3H Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Detects all objects in the harshest of environments - Stainless steel housing in hygiene design - Precise laser light spot, laser class 1, no blind zone - Latest SICK proprietary ASIC and laser technologies for outstanding background suppression and ambient light immunity - ECOLAB-certified, tested for IP66, IP67, IP68, and IP69K - Teach-in button to switch between detection of transparent and tiny non-transparent objects - IO-Link (optional)
Product family G6 Inox Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Small, strong, rugged - the ideal sensor for washdown applications - Housing made of stainless steel 1.4404 (316L), mounting holes with M3 thread - Red light and infra-red LED versions - Adjustable light/dark switching via cable connection - Coated front screen for higher resistance to scratching - IP69K enclosure rating - Meets Ecolab tests requirements
Product family V12-2 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Space-saving photoelectric sensors enclosed in a M12 housing - M12 metal housing with an IP 67 enclosure rating - Long sensing distances, short response times - 2 teach-in modes: Standard teach mode for basic applications and precise teach mode with small hysteresis for special applications - Adjustable light or dark switching as complementary outputs - PNP or NPN output available - Complements inductive sensor portfolio with an M12 housing - 4-pin M12 connector or 2 m cable
Product family G6 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Beyond the standard - Global sensor – the economic way to business class performance - PinPoint LED for a bright, precise light spot - Durable metal threaded inserts - SICK ASIC technology - the result of decades of experience in photoelectric sensors - Large, user-friendly potentiometer - Large, bright indicator LEDs - IP 67 enclosure rating
Product family W4S-3 Inox Glass Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Reliable detection of transparent objects - IP 66, IP 67, IP 68 and IP 69K enclosure rating and Ecolab certified - Tough stainless steel housing (316L/1.4404) - Resistant to a variety of common cleaning and disinfection agents - Modern electrical connection available – M12 connector with pin casting - PinPoint LED technology provides a highly visible laser-like light spot - Teach-in via stainless steel pushbutton with a metal membrane - Continuous threshold
Product family G10 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Powerful detection, smart installation - down to the last detail - Long sensing ranges: 1,200 mm with background suppression; 15 m on PL80A reflector - PinPoint LED with bright and precise light spot - Small housing design - 10 … 30 VDC or 24 … 240 VAC/VDC power supply with PNP/NPN or relay output - Rugged sensor housing with metal-reinforced holes for assembly - Q-Lock assembly system for mounting the sensor within a few seconds
Product family W9 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors High-performance in rugged VISTAL® housing - Rugged VISTAL™ housing - PinPoint LED or laser - Photoelectric proximity sensor with sensing range of up to 800 mm - Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors with autocollimation optics - Through-beam photoelectric sensors with sensing ranges of up to 60 m - SIRIC technology - Connections: M8 and M12 male connector, cable as well as cable with male connector - M3 and M4 hole pattern
Product family W4-3 Glass Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Reliable detection of transparent objects - Fast and reliable setup via teach-in pushbutton - Continuous threshold adjustment technology to detect objects in changing conditions such as temperature, contamination and reflector wear - Versions without polarizing filters to better detect depolarizing objects such as PET bottles, CD sleeves and shrink-wrapped, glossy objects
Product family W24-2 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Long-range sensor with a metal housing for harsh environments - Robust die-cast zinc housing with IP 69K protection class - Operating elements protected by a hood - High ambient light immunity of the proximity sensors - Switchable: PNP/NPN and light/dark switching - DC or AC/DC type with UL approval Optional: test input, time delays, contamination signaling at the alarm output, and front-screen heating, also available in a high-power version M12 male connector or M16 screw connection:
Product family W12-3 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Rugged metal housing provides exceptional performance in demanding applications - Best-in-class optical performance due to superior OES technology - Autocollimation with retro-reflective sensors - Background and foreground suppression with second emitter LED on proximity sensors - Highly visible, precise light spot and high-energy IR transmitters - Rugged die-cast zinc housing, optional with Teflon® coating - Mounting options with through holes, base blind holes, oblong through
Product family W4-3 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Best-in-class sensing performance in a miniature housing - Best background suppression sensor in its class - Universal use of PinPoint technology in all models - BGS proximity sensor with laser-like light spot for precise detection tasks - Reliable setting via 5-turn potentiometer, teach-in pushbutton, teach-in via cable or IO-Link - Flexible sensor settings, monitoring, advanced diagnostics, and display thanks to IO-Link
Product family SureSense Photoelectric retro-reflectives The sure way to detect any object - The most flexible and complete portfolio of hybrid sensors - New and intuitive light strip - Best background suppression in the sector - Detection of transparent objects with AutoAdapt technology - VISTAL housing
Product family W2SG-2 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Powerful clear material detection in an ultra-compact housing - Extremely high sensor size to sensing distance ratio - High switching point accuracy - Teach-in functions enable reliable settings - Automatic switching threshold adaption - Single-lens autocollimation for visibility through apertures and drill holes - Flexible sensor settings, monitoring, advanced diagnostics, and display thanks to IO-Link
Product family W4SL-3 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Laser precision for very small or transparent objects - Precise laser light spot, laser class 1 - Teach-in pushbutton can be switched between detection of transparent and non-transparent objects - Sensing ranges between 25 mm and 60 m - Latest SICK proprietary ASIC and laser technologies with second emitter LED to provide outstanding background suppression and ambient light immunity - Choice of adjustment via teach-in button, potentiometer, cable, or IO-Link
Product family GR18 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Round, and cost-effective standard - Economical M18 cylindrical sensors with standard housing design - Choice of plastic and metal housing variants with straight optical output - Very bright and highly visible PinPoint LEDs - Highly visible status indicator - IP67 enclosure rating
Product family W12G Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors High-performance detection of transparent objects in metal housing - Rugged die-cast zinc housing with optional Teflon® coating - Reliable detection of transparent objects - Precise autocollimation optics - Robust sensors for industrial use - Precise PinPoint LED - Dovetail mounting – mounting holes and oblong holes - Highly visible status LEDs - Flexible sensor settings, monitoring, advanced diagnostics, and visualization thanks to IO-Link
Product family V18 Laser Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Laser sensor in cylindrical M18 housing - Laser emitter LED enclosed in a cylindrical M18 housing - Laser class 1 - Fast response time - Straight or right-angle housing - Durable metal housing - IP 67 - Small visible light spot to detect small objects
Product family GR18 Inox Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors Round, strong, rugged – M18 stainless steel sensor for wash-down applications - High mechanical ruggedness due to stainless-steel housing 1.4404 /316L - Ecolab-certified - resistant to acidic and alkaline cleaning and disinfecting agents - IP67, IP68 and IP69K enclosure rating – for washdown applications - M18 thread - M12 male connector and 2 m cable variants
Product family SimpleSense Photoelectric retro-reflective sensor, Dual lens - The cost-effective detection solution - Modern OES4 ASIC technology for excellent optical performance and ambient light immunity - Housing formats: Cylindrical (with M18 thread), cuboid, and hybrid - Wide range of mounting options - Programmable switching outputs - No protection class II power supply unit required
Product family W16 Photoelectric retro-reflective sensors The highflier in object detection - Technologies: ClearSens, LineSpot, TwinEye with OptoFilter - BluePilot: Optical alignment aid, adjustment of the sensing range via Teach-Turn adjustment with optical sensing range indicator or via - IO-Link - PinPoint LED: Light-intensive red sender LED - Smart Sensor: Enhanced Sensing, IO-Link, Diagnostics, Smart Tasks
Product family W12-2 Laser Photoelectric retro-reflective sensor High-performance photoelectric sensor family with laser optics - Best-in-class retro-reflective laser performance in a metal housing - Teflon® coating available - Precise autocollimation optics - Adjustable focus on retro-reflective sensors - High switching frequency of 2.5 kHz - Connection via cable or rotatable connector - Mounting options with through holes, blind holes, oblong holes and dovetail - Laser protection class 1 or 2
Product family W4S-3 Inox Hygiene Photoelectric retro-reflective sensor Highest reliability, maximum resistance and endless possibilities - Smooth stainless steel housing (316L/1.4404) - Hygienic mounting using M12-adapter thread or D12-adapter shaft - IP 66, IP 67, IP 68 and IP 69K enclosure rating and Ecolab certified - Resistant to a variety of common cleaning and disinfection agents - Highly visible laser-like light spot due to PinPoint LED - Teach-in via stainless steel pushbutton with a metal membrane - Flexible sensor settings,
Product family GR18S Photoelectric retro-reflective sensor Round, short and economically unbeatable - Low-cost cylindrical M18 sensor with extra short housing - Five different housing styles - Variety of plastic and metal housing styles, with straight or right angle optics - Bright and highly visible PinPoint-LED - Potentiometer for adjustment of switching threshold (depending on type) - Special flush type, one-piece metal housing - Highly visible signal indicator LED - IP 67 rating